

Howdy Friends,

Just a little writing for today.

Across the courtyard
The flitting illumination of a struck match
Ends in the slow draw of an ember
Strutting up a slender cigarette
A wisp of smoke now--all that beamed brilliant

Hope to see you at the mall pond.



Music Thoughts

Howdy Friends,

Just doing some writing.  Not sure how well this ties together but the flow feels good to me.  A rough draft if you will.

From the instant the first note is played
I'm fully aware of the coming melody
Piercing like an arrow swift
a tune can move you
One place to another and other places I dare not tread
Music's occupation then...
Is it merely to provide a tune?
Because what would dancers do?
How about the band?
Lively hoods hang on a tune
Others I speak of, not on welfare, but more wayfaring
Ticket holders are these
At the flip of a switch or turn of a key they can be off
Journeying to places and times that move the soul


To Speak with Authority

Howdy Friends,

Recently I had a deep revelation come out of my 2 year old daughter.  We were having one of those naptime events where she just would not cooperate.  No matter my mode of operation, there was no way she was taking a nap, so I gave up.  I lowered my head in defeat and let her out of her room.  She plopped down on the couch next to me and said, "Is it not naptime anymore?"  Looking her in the face I said, "I gave up on naptime today."  I could see the chain reaction in her thoughts, almost like slow motion, as her face became very animated, and with authority she said, "You don't give up on me dad!  You don't give up on me dad.....  you're.......  you're dad!"  As the words sank into my being and began to resonate, my eyes became wide in amazement.  Humbled I said, "I won't ever give up on you.  I'm your dad and you're right, dads don't give up on their kids."


 Hope to see you at the mall pond,
