
Simple Pleasures

Howdy Friends!

This afternoon, on our trip into the Lamar Valley, I was reminded of some childhood memories of riding bikes in the rain.  No it wasn't raining in the park today but it was warm enough to... lots of melting going on.  Back home, when we would get a heavy summer rain, we couldn't wait to get out on the street after the storm.  Bike riding was fun most of the time but after a down pour there were special bonuses.  Puddles.  Lots of em'.  Down the street from our house a huge puddle would form on the side of the road.  Perfect conditions for top speed collisions!  Coming home dirty and soaking wet was a blast!  I guess some things never change...

Hope your weekend was a good one and if it keeps warming up this week I hope to see you below the green boxes.


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